< Job description
Part Time Job Vacancy
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Resume / CV (5MB max.)
First name
Last name
Additional files
Max total filesize : 4MB
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LinkedIn URL
GitHub URL
Portfolio URL
Expected Salary
Notice Period
How did you hear about this job?
Chinese Name(if any)
Home Address
Place of Birth
Academic & Education Qualification (Please state highest education only)
Professional Qualifications/Licenses
Countries Resided ( Other than Malaysia) for at least 6 months, in the past 7 years
Languages/Dialects (State level of proficiency- Fluent/Fair/Slight)
Family Information (Name,Relationship,NRIC,Occupation,Name of Employer-if employed)
Employment History ( Date-From & To, Name of Company,Position Held, Salary,Nature of Employment,Reason of Leaving,HR email & contact number for verification)
If there are any gaps of Employment (more than 6 months between employment ,please furnish details here)
Reference Check ( provide contact details of your Managers or Superior from most recent /previous employment)
Were you previously or currently diagnosed or currently having medical consultation on any illnesses including mental disorder or physical impairment that warrants disclosure to an insurer for medical insurance? (Yes/No)
Do you have major illnesses since birth or accidents? (Yes/No)
Are you bound by any bond to serve government or any organization? (Yes/No)
Have you been charged or convicted in a court of law in any country of an offence involving fraud or dishonest act or money laundering or terrorism financing or unlawful activities or violence or in respect of banking,securities and insurance laws? (Yes/No)
Have you been charged or convicted in a court of law in Malaysia or any other country for which the outcome is not yet known? (Yes/No)
Have you been engaged in any business practices apprearing to be deceitful or oppressive or which otherwise reflect discredit on your method of conducting business? (Yes/No)
Have you ever been dismissed or suspended by your employer? (Yes/No)
Have you ever abandoned your employment or left the job without serving the required notice? (Yes/No)
Are you presently/have you ever been under investigation for fraud or other dishonest act or any misconduct whatsoever by your current or past employer? (Yes/No)
Do you have any other matters including disciplinary issues related to your employment? (Yes/No)
Are you a bankrupt or a discharged bankrupt, whether within or outside of Malaysia? (Yes/No)
Are you being or have you been sued in any Court of Law? (Yes/No)
Are you in default of payment of any debt? (Yes/No)
Are you or have you been a director,manager,agent or guarantor of any company, which has been wound up? (Yes/No)
Do you have any other sources of income besides your salary? (Yes/No)
Have you been employed with us previously? (Yes/No)
Do you have any personal/business relationships with government official? If yes,please provide the details below
Are you currently a member or have been a member of any political party and/or affiliated or have been affiliated to any political party? If yes,please provide the details below
If you have indicated any of the above ''Yes'', please provide the details below
Have you ever been involved in owning or partnering in a business? If so, could you please share the name of the company and the nature of the business?